
Control & Reference Materials

SeraCare提供高品質對照組與參考組,用於疾病基因組測試,臨床檢體之可貴,其實驗對照組更需要穩定且可靠之來源,以驗證與監視其測定之性能。SeraCare提供標準品作為實驗可信賴之依據-ACCURUN® controls 與Seraseq™ clinical NGS reference materials

SeraCare’s trusted controls and reference materials provide:
1. Controls and Reference Materials 2
2. Patient-like performance for serology, molecular PCR, and sequencing-based assaysPrecise titration and high lot-to-lot consistency with excellent signal-to-noise ratio
3.A wide range of important viral and bacterial pathogens including HIV, HBV and HCV, C.diff, and CT/NG
4. Highly-multiplexed NGS biosynthetic reference materials for tumor-profiling, cell-free DNA, NIPT, and germline testing

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